When can I start building my credit score?

Question by Benjamin Franklin: When can I start building my credit score?
I am 16 years old and would like to know when I can start building my credit score? What will be a starting credit score? How can I build my credit score to be as high as possible? Thanks. Serious answers only please.

Best answer:

Answer by RantingLover
You can start building your credit when you’re 18 (in the USA at least). You increase your credit score by not going over your credit limits, paying on time, and not carrying a balance on revolving lines of credit (like a credit card).

Edit: You used to be able to be added to another person’s credit card and that would begin your credit history, and yes that could be done at a young age. But FICO does not take into account authorized user accounts any more, so you can’t do that any more.

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