Q&A: can i get my credit score up if its REALLY low?

Question by : can i get my credit score up if its REALLY low?
Like if I overdrafted my bank never payed them then would my credit score go down? im 16 my mother is also on the account would my credit get ruined before i was 18? if so how do i get it up like can you actually get your credit score up? is it hard?

Best answer:

Answer by Johnny A
Dude especially now it’s hard because the banks aren’t lending that much, but it’s possible to get a joint credit card with your mother as a co-signer, like a student visa credit card. Your mom is joint on your bank account so if you overdraft your card, she pays for it or it messes up her credit. Same goes if you get a co-sign credit card. You might be able to get a credit card if you have a part time job, it’s known sometimes as a signature line of credit. If you owe money under your name, your only credit will be bad credit. Bad credit doesn’t drop below a score of like 400 i think. Good credit is around 700. Very good is 800+. Right now if you did a credit report with nothing negative like money owed to banks, or have a credit card or car, or loans, you would have what they call a “thin record” or “no data or score” Hope that makes sense. There are also 3 major credit beaureus that banks and collections report payments to Transunion, Experion, and Equifax.

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