000 Credit Score?

Question by starrysmaster: Credit Score?
I got my credit report yesterday from Experian and decided to pay extra for the Vantagescore/Fico score, the page came back “were sorry we cant generate your Vantagescore because there are no credit accounts on file. I’m 41 and have had accounts before this but none at this time, so is my credit score 000 or perfect when applying for a loan?

Best answer:

Answer by SPIFIMAN1
What they are telling you is you have no score.

FICO reports from 300 to 850 anytime a score calculates to below 300 it defaults to a 0.

A lot of people think they have good credit because they pay for everything with cash when just the opposite is true.

You need to re-establish some lines of credit and use them to generate a score.

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