Posts tagged "Credit History"

Credit Rating Tips: Steps to help your credit score.

If you’re planning on buying a house or a car, your credit score is an immensely significant number.

The interest rate you’ll shell out for the money you borrow will be determined, in large part, by this three-digit number that comes out from the information in your credit report.

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Posted by Trevor Jones - September 3, 2014 at 12:51 pm

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Money Management : How to Maintain a Good Credit History

After having seen your credit score, you might feel glad or devastated. You have to accept the fact that you are responsible for the kind of position you are currently on.

How do you maintain a good credit score by the way?

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Posted by Trevor Jones - November 19, 2013 at 10:29 am

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3 Credit Score Myths

The credit score a certain persona is indicative of his financial standing. Many agencies, on a regular basis, look at your credit score, from banks, credit unions, utility firms, landlords, insurers and even employers.

Myth 1

The Major Credit Bureaus Make Use Of Various Formulas In Coming Up With A Credit Score

This is considered to be the most common among all. Truth of the matter is, the major credit bureaus, from Experian, Equifax to TransUnion have a different term for the same score. TransUnion, say, calls it the Empirica, while Experian calls it the Experian/Honest Isaac Risk Model. They may have different names for the credit score, but they make use of the same formula in computing it. While the names used by the major credit companies are essentially the same, lenders often use just one credit report, to analyze your loan application.

Myth 2

Merely Paying Off All Your Debts Will Instantly Repair Your Credit Score

Your credit score will always be affected by your past credit history, and it’s not about your present debt. You can quickly pay off your credit card debts and settle any other outstanding obligations, but our previous history of late or missed payments will still reflect on your score.

Myth 3

Closing Old Accounts Helps Boost Your Credit Report

This is delusional. Closing old accounts will never have an impact on your credit score, but opening these old accounts will surely hurt your score. Having too many accounts also incurs damage to your credit score, because your score is typically affected by the difference between the available credit and the credit being used. Closing an old account will make your credit report look new, but the damage is done.

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Posted by Trevor Jones - September 4, 2013 at 2:52 pm

Categories: Credit Score Articles   Tags: , , , , , , ,

Secured Credit Cards For Good Credit History

Secured credit cards are ideal tools in managing your finances and if you want to boost your credit score. Additionally, they are practically an essential these days if you ever want to travel, as most airlines, car rental companies and hotels need a credit card to use their services.

The main issue is that hunting down companies that give secure credit cards in this day and age can pretty challenging. The purpose of this post is to give you the inside “scoop” on finding such types of credit cards. This way, you can be on your way to having the convenience and credit building benefits that they boast of.

What is a secured credit card? When a certain person is not qualified for a “regular” credit card, maybe due to a poor credit history or due to the fact that they have yet to establish credit, their best option is a secured one. “Secured” simply means that anything you charge on the credit card is covered by your own money, for the most part in your own bank account.

That said, your credit line on these cards depend on the amount of money you have in your account to back your charges on the card.

In some cases, local credit unions and banks give these types of unsecured cards, but they are seeming to slowly sink and becoming a thing of the past, even despite the growing need in this tough economy where many people’s credit is falling apart.

One thing to be aware of is unscrupulous companies that charge ridiculous fees and “no name” cards that can only be used in their catalogs to buy their merchandise. What you must have is a secured Visa or MasterCard. These are the types that can be accepted everywhere. These will give you convenience and credit building qualities you have been dying to have.

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Posted by Trevor Jones - August 29, 2013 at 1:07 pm

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Is It Worth It To Work For Good Credit?

Dodging bad credit is a struggle people go through on a daily basis. They pay their bills on time by working their tails off. They hold out on their wants so as to pay interest on debt just to get good credit. This is a struggle to dodge bankruptcy or home foreclosure. However, is good credit really worth all the effort?

Countless households almost always pay off home mortgages that even exceed what they could sell their homes for in the market because of real estate bust. A lot of others are burdened by high interest credit card debt. Is it worth it just to get good credit? At what point do the benefits outweigh the struggles?

While the real estate market is dwindling, more and more are making the hard decisions to abandon their homes, downsize and let their banks foreclose.

Consumers are getting frustrated and ask what the benefits of their good credit are in the long run when the crisis has left many lending avenues depleted regardless of your credit score.

Your credit standing will display your financial reputation. Also, it will show the ethical concerns of walking away from your obligations. Loans and credit cards are accepted by individuals sans taking into what the future of their fortune holds. The advantages of good credit involve better financing terms, lower rates, easier payoff schedules and approvals for otherwise difficult loans.

The advantages alone can make your living costs more controllable. Nevertheless, would losing good credit benefits outweigh the relief you would be getting from relieving yourself of your huge debt?

There is always a chance that you could overcome, particularly when you become overburdened and your present debt burden seems hopeless. Bankruptcy and debt relief solutions that are built to help out in such situations must not be ruled out ever. Bad credit and the loss of good credit benefits will result, for a time, but in certain situations this can still be a sound financial decision.

Related Credit Score Articles

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Posted by Trevor Jones - August 16, 2013 at 2:47 pm

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Why Your Credit Scores Are More Important Than EVER Before

Why Your Credit Scores Are More Important Than EVER Before

A lot of us consumers have had problems with regard to credit cards, well at least most of us. This probably had a negative impact on our credit scores. By having bad habits, mistakes, and poor judgment, they find themselves going into default, having missed payments, or drowning in debt.

Credit scores and underlying history is one the most vital parts in our financial lives. Our credit scores will follow us forever and it will play a huge role in many major financial situations throughout our lives. Watch this video why it’s crucial to take care of your credit score.

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Posted by Trevor Jones - September 27, 2012 at 1:16 pm

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Credit History: The Perks of Being A Student

Looking a few years back, having a credit card was considered a luxury. Only the powerful and rich people are the ones who apply for these services. It is thought that because they have overflowing money that it can no longer be contained inside their pockets. But with the life we are living now, the possession of a credit card is just as normal has carrying your ordinary wallet with just enough money to spend as you do the grocery or shop for your necessities. It has been adjusted so that everyone who wishes to have one can be able to do so.

However, as much as you are eager to get hold of that card, there are qualifications and conditions that must be met. Among the many other requirements one needs to accomplish is the existence of a reliable credit history.  For credit card companies, the credit history serves as a background check for your overall personality. This will show them whether or not you are deserving to be approved of one. If you try to observe, people who own credit card are mostly adults. But all is fair now in the eyes or credit card companies. Even students are given the opportunity to build for their own a good credit history.

Building a credit history is a step by step process. You may have to start from the bottom and someday have it all good being at the top. That is the advantage of a student credit card. Being minors and still non incoming generating, the credit card company would require approval from a guardian or a parent. That is the purpose of a student identification card. With all these and more, you are bound for a happy life with your credit card. On the other hand,  student credit card has a lower spending limit and yet has a higher interest rate as compared to the average credit card. This is just reasonable because this type of card is easily given. The good part is once you start early on then you can expect for a good credit history in the near future.

With great power comes great responsibility. Using credit cards have that infamous reputation of burying someone in debt. Be sure to meet your dues on time and control your credit car before it controls you.

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Posted by Trevor Jones - July 13, 2012 at 8:51 am

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